We are like you

We are lifters like you, who know daily training, who have had to come back after injuries, who know it when a lift stagnates, who like you fight for every progression. We are powerlifters, weightlifters, crossfitters, bodybuilders, hobby athletes and also competitive athletes.

We know the daily training and know what our lifters want. For us, the athlete is clearly the focus. We develop products that are primarily aimed at making your sporting success possible, because we believe in getting a little bit better and stronger every day.

Our Vision

Our vision is to develop the best fitness clothing for all lifters. Since we only want the best for our lifters, we will put the quality of the product first in every product development.

Our Mission

The world needs strong lifters and every lift worldwide deserves to be able to proudly show that he is a LIFTER. Lifters are people with a passion for weight training. Lifters form a very special community with one another, consisting of respect, enthusiasm and strength. Our mission is to unite lifters of all training focuses (powerlifting, weightlifting, bodybuilding and crossift), because this sport connects us all. We want to be the fitness brand for this very special community. We don't want to be just any lifestyle brand. We want to be there for ambitious hobby lifters as well as for professional athletes. All of our garments combine beautiful design and functionality, with a unique recognition value.


We are not just a brand; we are athletes like you - dedicated lifters who know the sweat and effort of daily training. We have lived through the struggles with injuries and experienced what it feels like when progress stalls. We have felt what it is like to put in the effort at every training, every lift, for every little improvement. We are powerlifters, weightlifters, crossfitters, bodybuilders, recreational athletes, and competitive athletes.

We understand the needs and desires of our lifter community because we are part of this community ourselves. At Lifters Wear, the athlete always comes first. Our goal is to develop products that are primarily designed to enable and support your athletic success. We believe in constant improvement, in the pursuit of strength, day by day. Because at Lifters Wear, it's not just about lifting heavy weights, it's about strengthening the whole person, physically and mentally.


Onze visie is om mensen met elkaar te verbinden - om lifters van alle specialisaties onder één merk te verenigen. We willen de perfecte fitnesskleding ontwikkelen voor alle sporters.

Fitnesskleding die is ontworpen om je te helpen stap voor stap, dag voor dag te groeien en je doelen te bereiken.


2019 - Onze start

Lifters Wear is opgericht in september 2019. De eerste collectie - onze Lifers Grip Shirts - werd ontwikkeld in een klein kamertje. Elk pakje werd door de oprichters Julian, Fabian en Sven zelf ingepakt.

2020 - Groei

Onze Lifters-community maakt een gestage en duurzame groei door. Wat ooit wekelijkse verzendingen waren, is nu uitgegroeid tot dagelijkse collecties.

2021 - Evenementen

De German Throwdown markeerde de start van onze eerste evenementen en speelde een sleutelrol in het vergroten van onze bekendheid. Als gevolg daarvan werd onze Lifters-gemeenschap groter en sterker.

2022 - New Lifters Headquarter

The development of our headquarters and the continuous expansion of our Lifters team.